Thursday, March 5, 2020

Frank I Science tutor in London

Frank I Science tutor in London Frank I is passionate about science and has been a science tutor in London, for GCSE and A-Level, for over five years now. He loves helping students develop the enthusiasm and confidence which leads to great exam results and supports them for years to come. Frank also volunteers with the Tutorfair Foundation and is a fantastic blog writer. See his latest post on photosynthesis here. Why do you love tutoring? I love science. I love reading about it, learning more about it, and I love to talk about it to anyone who will listen. As a tutor, I get paid to do what I am passionate about.  What more could you ask for? Who inspired you in education? As a teenager, I couldn’t have cared less about science. My teachers weren’t interested and didn’t really care either.  Then in university I was exposed to professors who not only taught but practised science.  They were passionate about what they were doing and wanted to share it with the world.  If you spend enough time in the company of people who are enthusiastic about what they do, it will rub off and you can’t help but learn and enjoy it along the way. What else do you get up to besides tutoring? I’m a husband and father of a 3 year old son with another on the way (well, not a 3 year oldâ€"it will probably be a brand new one). Anyone in the same situation will know that takes up most of your spare time! I’m currently doing a bit of freelance work in science policy and communication, and lately, I’ve become quite addicted to working out, in the vain attempt to stave off my impending middle age.  And, as I’m from Texas, I’ve been trying to FINALLY learn Spanish properly. Any Spanish tutors out there, please let me know if you can help! If you had a superpower what would it be? Hmm . . . not super strength because I think Superman’s got the market cornered on that one, and as I understand it, you don’t really want to mess with him.  Not flying because I’m afraid of heights.  I think the ability to freeze time once a day and get a few more things done would be nice. I’d also like to be able to download info directly into my brain Matrix-style.  That would save a lot of time and then I could learn something cool like Kung Fu. What advice would you give to a parent on how to find a tutor? Tutors are like plumbersâ€"there are a lot of them about, both good and bad.  Like anyone you are going to invite into your home to do a job, look for recommendations from friends and other parents (even any tutors you already know; at Tutorfair, tutors are encouraged to refer other good tutors for any jobs they can’t do). This is where most of my students come from and it works well for everyone.  Then ask to meet the tutor for a short, informal chat. I always try and do this first thing with new clients so that we can discuss the details of the student’s circumstances and goals. Every student is different and requires a tailored approach to learning. A short talk can do wonders for determining whether the tutor and student are a good fit. (You can arrange this on the Tutorfair site by messaging a tutor and asking to book a fifteen minute lesson with them.) Finally, remember that degrees and qualifications aren’t everything. The ability to communicate in an easy manner and to inspire confidence are the most important qualities to look for in a good tutor. Subjects taught by Frank: Biology - Degree, IB, A-Level, GCSE, AS Chemistry - Degree, IB, A-Level, GCSE, AS Advanced Maths  - GCSE General Science - GCSE, 11+ Maths - GCSE, 11+ Physics  - GCSE, 11+ If you or your child needs help with science or maths, then please visit  Frank’s profile page on the Tutorfair website to  book a lesson.

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